Cette fois ci j partagerais un slide parlant, pas besoin de commentaires pour expliquer
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
Exploitation des artisans, le début de la fin avec islamart
Il est révoltant de voir que les artisans qui ont un savoir faire inestimable soient si mal traités par des "abuseurs de position"
Des marchands opportunistes profitent des artisans et n'hésitent pas à les voler !!! :
Une femme qui travaille sur un tapis pendant un an sans relâche, partagera ses bénéfices avec une personne qui n'a rien fait d'autre que lui accorder un espace minuscule dans son magasin. Des fois il gagnera même plus que 50% du prix alors qu'il était au repos pendant toute l'année ou la pauvre dame trimait. Bien sur tout cela avec le mépris du métier et la conviction du marchant d'être la pièce maîtresse puisque c'set lui qui vends et encaisse l'argent.
Résultat: les jeune ne veulent plus apprendre les métiers artisanaux que l'humanité a mis des millénaire à développer et améliorer. C'est tout un pan du patrimoine de l'humanité que nous sommes entrain de perdre à cause de ces marchands profiteurs sans pitié!

Islamart permet aux artisans et herboristes/traiteurs de publier leurs articles en ligne : ils n'ont plus besoin de débourser des milliers de dinars pour créer un site web, il leur suffit de se connecter sur le portail pour bénéficier des services suivants gratuitement :
- Adresse web personnalisée pour n'afficher que ses produits comme si c'était son propre site internet
- Page d'accueil avec tous les produits de tous les artisans/producteurs confondus : une sorte de foire d’exposition où on arrive pour acheter un vase et on finit avec des pommades bio et un tapis berbère
- Comparateur de prix (des filtres permettent de trouver ce qu'on recherche jusque avec les couleurs et matériaux de fabrication des articles), une fois filtrés, les internautes peuvent comparer les prix des différents acteurs du marché
- Référencement web : pas besoin de dépenser des milliers de dinars pour être retrouvé par google ou yahoo: avec islamart, nous le faisons pour nos clients
- Blog en ligne : les artisans peuvent valoriser leur savoir faire en discutant librement de ce qui les passionne et partageant des infos pratiques directement sur le portail dans la catégorie qui correspond (bijoux, déco, vetements, santé, etc...)
- Postez 3 articles gratuits sur la vitrine, au delà des forfaits permettent de s'adapter à son budget
En ce moment les nouveaux inscrits bénéficient d'un espace vitrine de 20 articles au lieu de 3 pendant 1 an gratuitement. à la fin de l'année, s'il ne font rien, ils reviendront automatiquement en formule gratuite avec 3 articles en vitrine. Pas d'engagement pas de chaines, islamart est un site qui veut encourager la consommation éthique, il commence donc par lui même.
La guerre ouverte sur javascript : qui sera le maitre?
Post très très intéressant sur l'évolution de javascript. C'est littéralement la guerre entre
- Google qui a lance node.js, GWT et dart et bien sur le moteur javascript V8 qui a revolutionné le web en permettant des application javascript super rapides (et même la création de node.js qui tourne sur la V8)
- Microsoft qui voit bien que les applications seront bientôt majoritairement sur le web et que le système d'exploitation tel qu'on le connait (personal computer) deviens une chose de moins en moins importante: on migre vers le terminal web comme ChromeOs, Android, iOs etc...
- Adobe qui a vu dégringoler le produit qui lui a permis de se faire un place sur le web, à savoir Flash et doit vite être présent pour le substitut javascript
- Oracle qui a racheté Java "write once run everywhere" : un slogan qui a beaucoup perdu de son sens avec émergence de javascript, les applets Java à l'époque concurrents de Flash font aussi partie de la technologie de grand père et fait partie des oubliés avec un pied dans la tombe. De plus, beaucoup de gens n'écrivent plus leur application en Java mais en javascript et au lieu de la VM, ils utilisent node.js . La réaction de Oracle est flagrante
Des choses très intéressantes sont entrain de se passer, je vous invite à lire ce post fort instructif sur le sujet, avec plusieurs liens clefs
Monday, April 20, 2015
Une startup mondiale s'installe en Tunisie. Postes à pourvoir !!!
Super opportunité de travailler dans une nouvelle startup fondée par les créateurs de http://talend.com
Talend est le leader mondial en ETL open source.
Ses concepteurs travaillent sur une solution qui permet de prédire le comportement d'un acheteur en fonction de ses habitudes d'achat; Ils proposeront ainsi à n'importe quelle entreprise un ciblage client performant: la popup de "call to action" s'affichera aux bonnes personnes au bon moment.
Ses concepteurs travaillent sur une solution qui permet de prédire le comportement d'un acheteur en fonction de ses habitudes d'achat; Ils proposeront ainsi à n'importe quelle entreprise un ciblage client performant: la popup de "call to action" s'affichera aux bonnes personnes au bon moment.
Cette plateforme est une jointure entre les métiers de l'ETL, du BigData des statistiques et de l'intelligence artificielle. Pour ce qui est de l'ETL et du BigData, Talend était déjà un leader mondial, ses créateur ont décidé de construire sur leur savoir faire en ajoutant une analyse prédictive innovante. Ils installent leur équipe de développement en Tunisie.
C'est dans le cadre de ce projet que vous pourriez intervenir si vous faites partie des sélectionnés!
Inutile de vous dire que faire partie de l'aventure sera un tremplin reconnu mondialement pour votre carrière.
Inutile de vous dire que faire partie de l'aventure sera un tremplin reconnu mondialement pour votre carrière.
Si vous êtes développeur avec au moins 1.5 années d'expérience professionnelle et que vous correspondez à un de ces profils envoyez votre email au format Word ou Open office sur it@1vu.fr
- 2 profils dev Java dont un avancé en Spring (Spring, MongoDB, CXF)
- 1 profil avancé Angular (1.4)
- 2 profils QA (proactor, Jasmine, selenium)… la connaissance de la BDD (behavior driven developement) est un plus
- 2 profils mobile natif (1 Android et 1 iOS)
- 1 Un profil expert/senior css/html avec au moins 2 ans d'expérience. La connaissance d'outils de design (ps, gimp, illustrator est un plus). La connaissance de AngularJs et Material design est un grand plus
15 postes sont à pouvoir pour cette première équipe en Tunisie !
Influans est une jeune startup développant une plateforme SAS en rupture sur le marché (Data Management Platform next gen). Se reposant sur les technologies open source Big Data(Apache Spark, Hadoop, MongoDB, ElasticSearch), elle permet d’implémenter une stratégie Omni-canal real time via un Consumer Graph TM. Son slogan : fournir le bon produit, à la bonne personne, au bon moment et au bon prix.
Créée par les fondateurs de www.talend.com (500 employés world wide, $100M de CA), Influans vient de finaliser son premier tour de financement (capital d’amorçage).
La société compte une dizaine de développeurs passionnés et recherche activement des experts techniques pour soutenir sa stratégie de croissance que cela soit en JavaScript, Java ou technologies BigData/MachineLearning.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Converters in Dart
In 2001 I was writing my first open source 'ZATreeX' which is a GUI to manipulate data regardless of what data structure is underneath. a tree Data structure was expressed though an interface (DataObject if my memory is good), and operations were also expressed through an interface that received that data and processed it. The "reference implementation" was made on the io file system...
As you expect, I'm not going to talk about that old product, but rather about generic concepts. "Making operations on data" is all what IT is about. Data differs, the operations differ, but this pattern is always there. So a language that includes this concept already in its core libraries is a language that is ready for the IT needs and this is perfect for programming efficiency:
Usually when you begin a mission (or revisit an old project), you have to spend a lot of time understanding how a given problem is solved (expressed) in that particular project. Usually there are some different possible ways, so you end up "decrypting" which of the ways the programmer chose (because you expect is somehow in one of the possible ways). Then comes the naming issue: each person gives different names to his classes/methods and you have to understand which names correspond to the concepts you expect to find in the code. Documentations are useful for that, but frameworks are even better.
With a framework, you have a ready naming "convention" that everybody understands: when you say "Session Bean", "Struts Action", "Spring Prototype Bean", everybody understands what you're talking about and you can start explaining at a higher level...
But frameworks are many, and they compete. Therefore Sun microsystems, created the JSR to specify "standard ways" for the many existing frameworks: handling XML, database persistence, server communication (servlets)... but also more deep subjects such as transactions (JTA), connectors (JTC), extensions (JMX).
This way, a newcomer can immediately start working on a project without dealing with the specifics of a framework...
The earlier a language comes with "standard" libraries, the easier it is for the community to adopt it, since there are no time losses trying the different framework solutions and learning given solutions in the context of a project.
Converters and codecs are a central part of IT as explained in the introduction, so it's a very good news that it was addressed from the very start. here is a blog talking about the technical part of the subject
As you expect, I'm not going to talk about that old product, but rather about generic concepts. "Making operations on data" is all what IT is about. Data differs, the operations differ, but this pattern is always there. So a language that includes this concept already in its core libraries is a language that is ready for the IT needs and this is perfect for programming efficiency:
Usually when you begin a mission (or revisit an old project), you have to spend a lot of time understanding how a given problem is solved (expressed) in that particular project. Usually there are some different possible ways, so you end up "decrypting" which of the ways the programmer chose (because you expect is somehow in one of the possible ways). Then comes the naming issue: each person gives different names to his classes/methods and you have to understand which names correspond to the concepts you expect to find in the code. Documentations are useful for that, but frameworks are even better.
With a framework, you have a ready naming "convention" that everybody understands: when you say "Session Bean", "Struts Action", "Spring Prototype Bean", everybody understands what you're talking about and you can start explaining at a higher level...
But frameworks are many, and they compete. Therefore Sun microsystems, created the JSR to specify "standard ways" for the many existing frameworks: handling XML, database persistence, server communication (servlets)... but also more deep subjects such as transactions (JTA), connectors (JTC), extensions (JMX).
This way, a newcomer can immediately start working on a project without dealing with the specifics of a framework...
The earlier a language comes with "standard" libraries, the easier it is for the community to adopt it, since there are no time losses trying the different framework solutions and learning given solutions in the context of a project.
Converters and codecs are a central part of IT as explained in the introduction, so it's a very good news that it was addressed from the very start. here is a blog talking about the technical part of the subject
Written by Florian Loitsch
February 2014
February 2014
Converting data between different representations is a common task in computer engineering. Dart is no exception and comes with dart:convert,...
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Dart is becoming a js libraries ambassador
We could have thought that dart will position itself as an alternative to js libraries like Node.js, Angular, JQuery etc...
In fact, those libraries exist for some time already and propose rich functions that could be reused directly instead of having to write them in another language, test, debug, and maintain. So in short, people who are used to a js library will hardly want to learn a new language that will bring them troubles and hand work.
The issue with raw Js libraries is that you have to write your own js code to use them, and if you have complex tasks, you can find your self solving browser incompatibility problems, dealing with the js development tools that are limited since it's a script and there are too few assumptions the tools can make for you.
Because of that need, and because dart is a well thought language "that needs fewer lines to say the same things". Projects like AngularDart will inevitably emerge for the most active existing Js libraries.
More complex js "plaforms" will have to adapt: The more the platform was bringing services, the more it will have to do gymnastics to delegate some services to dart or parts of services.
Some blog posts still compare dart with js technologies like this interesting comparative table but this hard choice to do -especially if you have to learn a new language- cannot be left as a statu quo, there are too many things to win in joining instead of competing those technologies.
I'm sure the direction it is taking is not a concurrence but answers to real life problems like "How could I bring that feature to my project without being hardly tied to the library"
We will soon see a competition on who will adapt the first to dart, because dart is still making announcements for new js libraries that become compatible with it, it will fast become a sort of marketplace for new "club members". Especially because js libraries were needed for a long time, and many hundreds of js libraries emerged during that long long period, today if you search for a ready js gallery, you will find a plethora of solutions, some more buggy than others, if you have any kind of need, there are chances you will find your solution already working and tested on the web.
Dart will be the next way for these js libraries that are already in competition to become "visible" on the web, that's why the article says it's becoming an ambassador. I think it is not a good idea to create a "Dart play" website since Dart will surely be there at the right time, but on this specific point I could be wrong, and even this statement could influence the course of things: if some referee website will be born before, maybe they could also be then "bought" by dart with their already existing public...
Do you think I forgot an aspect of the js development world seen by dart aware developers? your comments will be welcome...
In fact, those libraries exist for some time already and propose rich functions that could be reused directly instead of having to write them in another language, test, debug, and maintain. So in short, people who are used to a js library will hardly want to learn a new language that will bring them troubles and hand work.
The issue with raw Js libraries is that you have to write your own js code to use them, and if you have complex tasks, you can find your self solving browser incompatibility problems, dealing with the js development tools that are limited since it's a script and there are too few assumptions the tools can make for you.
Because of that need, and because dart is a well thought language "that needs fewer lines to say the same things". Projects like AngularDart will inevitably emerge for the most active existing Js libraries.
More complex js "plaforms" will have to adapt: The more the platform was bringing services, the more it will have to do gymnastics to delegate some services to dart or parts of services.
Some blog posts still compare dart with js technologies like this interesting comparative table but this hard choice to do -especially if you have to learn a new language- cannot be left as a statu quo, there are too many things to win in joining instead of competing those technologies.
I'm sure the direction it is taking is not a concurrence but answers to real life problems like "How could I bring that feature to my project without being hardly tied to the library"
We will soon see a competition on who will adapt the first to dart, because dart is still making announcements for new js libraries that become compatible with it, it will fast become a sort of marketplace for new "club members". Especially because js libraries were needed for a long time, and many hundreds of js libraries emerged during that long long period, today if you search for a ready js gallery, you will find a plethora of solutions, some more buggy than others, if you have any kind of need, there are chances you will find your solution already working and tested on the web.
Dart will be the next way for these js libraries that are already in competition to become "visible" on the web, that's why the article says it's becoming an ambassador. I think it is not a good idea to create a "Dart play" website since Dart will surely be there at the right time, but on this specific point I could be wrong, and even this statement could influence the course of things: if some referee website will be born before, maybe they could also be then "bought" by dart with their already existing public...
Do you think I forgot an aspect of the js development world seen by dart aware developers? your comments will be welcome...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Rikulo one source code for all platforms
Following the previous article, here is a first early dart adopter company, who has clear future success in the
programming high tech field
With Dart you can target all browsers with one source code. With Rikulo, you can target all mobile platforms with one version of the mobile view layer.
programming high tech field
With Dart you can target all browsers with one source code. With Rikulo, you can target all mobile platforms with one version of the mobile view layer.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Why I think dart will detrone Java
The IT world is a very slow motion ecosystem, but when it comes to some very few technologies, things can go blazingly fast. Think about the iOs and xCode: a brand new system, a brand new language and millions of people adopting it the first year of its birth.
Java was also at some time a weird new language in the start of the millennium, but it promised twice a better programming speed performance against C++, the leading language at that time. Their one sentence argument was valid: resembles to C++ but removes the bug risky features. And it worked
We face today a new problem: proliferation of websites, each web site must be compatible with many browsers, many phones with different systems and/or different screen sizes, some people think that we will get back to the "all in html" philosophy because it becomes hard to write a native application for Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows, and the other platforms. Some others invented the MEAP concept to compile an existing javascript web site to many native mobile platforms with a few code adapting
And I think that Google is preparing something big with Dart. Why?
Statistics say that programmers always wrote the same quantity of line code per day in all IT history. Humans can't express more lines than they do. So in a matter of speeding up programmers, if we cannot make them write faster, let's make them express themselves in less lines. That's the concept of expressiveness that was widely used by Ruby and Groovy to justify the reason they even exist, and they are right.
Dart was not made of "ideas" of what could be great, Google has put experts in language theory to decide the syntax. So it's not one smart guy, it's a smart team that already had a feedback on the ruby experience that created the language.
Now think about GWT, we now have a strong basis of companies solving the many browsers issue by writing their code one in java and having it compiled to all browser specific javascripts. Dart replaced the old GWT compiler, we can now write natively in dart to get javascript (without the .class bridge)
Add a Meap tool to your existing javascript website, and you instantly target all mobile platforms (PhoneGap seems to do it with few issues, but there are)
We have here a one base code for all, ideal world, but who can do it today? do you know many companies who do that out of their R&D projects? I don't.
So just imagine for an instant that Google announces you can write your application in Dart to have it compiled on all websites + all android screen sizes (that is possible when you do responsive web design). Android has 70% of the phone market already. People who were writing their android applications in java will not move to dart, but those who had to solve the problem of writing a website for all browsers + all mobile platforms will see a clear way to make economies on his investment.
So Dalvik 2 is getting out with Android 4.4, it already compiles .class files to the native format when installing the app: no more Dalvik VM (which drastically improoved performance). The next step for me is a no more JVM : because as you (should) know, java is written in Java: that means that "à part" some very low operations that are native like 'copy memory', all processing is done in java code, which is not hardware optimized: so the processor has to do statistical predictions to compensate the fact that it cannot know what is the java VM preparing to do...
My deduction from the fact that Google didn't announce you can write your Android application in Dart, besides the huge investment that is behind this language (auto-completion editor, very active community, GWT's official compiler) iiiis: they are preparing something bigger
You cannot hide for a too long Google, we know there's something on the way in your labs, so just say it :-)
So my prediction, is there will be a PhoneGap for Dart, or something of this kind... And this will make Dart the center of the world: it will natively compile to web sites and through the meap procedures and thanks to responsiveness, all phone platforms will be targeted. At the end, what made java beat C++ is what will make dart beat Java: one code for all
And you? do you think that java can be replaced one day?
Java was also at some time a weird new language in the start of the millennium, but it promised twice a better programming speed performance against C++, the leading language at that time. Their one sentence argument was valid: resembles to C++ but removes the bug risky features. And it worked
We face today a new problem: proliferation of websites, each web site must be compatible with many browsers, many phones with different systems and/or different screen sizes, some people think that we will get back to the "all in html" philosophy because it becomes hard to write a native application for Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows, and the other platforms. Some others invented the MEAP concept to compile an existing javascript web site to many native mobile platforms with a few code adapting
And I think that Google is preparing something big with Dart. Why?
Statistics say that programmers always wrote the same quantity of line code per day in all IT history. Humans can't express more lines than they do. So in a matter of speeding up programmers, if we cannot make them write faster, let's make them express themselves in less lines. That's the concept of expressiveness that was widely used by Ruby and Groovy to justify the reason they even exist, and they are right.
Dart was not made of "ideas" of what could be great, Google has put experts in language theory to decide the syntax. So it's not one smart guy, it's a smart team that already had a feedback on the ruby experience that created the language.
Now think about GWT, we now have a strong basis of companies solving the many browsers issue by writing their code one in java and having it compiled to all browser specific javascripts. Dart replaced the old GWT compiler, we can now write natively in dart to get javascript (without the .class bridge)
Add a Meap tool to your existing javascript website, and you instantly target all mobile platforms (PhoneGap seems to do it with few issues, but there are)
We have here a one base code for all, ideal world, but who can do it today? do you know many companies who do that out of their R&D projects? I don't.
So just imagine for an instant that Google announces you can write your application in Dart to have it compiled on all websites + all android screen sizes (that is possible when you do responsive web design). Android has 70% of the phone market already. People who were writing their android applications in java will not move to dart, but those who had to solve the problem of writing a website for all browsers + all mobile platforms will see a clear way to make economies on his investment.
So Dalvik 2 is getting out with Android 4.4, it already compiles .class files to the native format when installing the app: no more Dalvik VM (which drastically improoved performance). The next step for me is a no more JVM : because as you (should) know, java is written in Java: that means that "à part" some very low operations that are native like 'copy memory', all processing is done in java code, which is not hardware optimized: so the processor has to do statistical predictions to compensate the fact that it cannot know what is the java VM preparing to do...
My deduction from the fact that Google didn't announce you can write your Android application in Dart, besides the huge investment that is behind this language (auto-completion editor, very active community, GWT's official compiler) iiiis: they are preparing something bigger
You cannot hide for a too long Google, we know there's something on the way in your labs, so just say it :-)
So my prediction, is there will be a PhoneGap for Dart, or something of this kind... And this will make Dart the center of the world: it will natively compile to web sites and through the meap procedures and thanks to responsiveness, all phone platforms will be targeted. At the end, what made java beat C++ is what will make dart beat Java: one code for all
And you? do you think that java can be replaced one day?
By Zied Hamdi (1Vu.fr founder)
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